Career and Technical Education millages approved by voters

On Tuesday, May 3, 2022, voters throughout Char-Em ISD approved two Career and Technical Education proposals: The core renewal/restoration of 0.75 mills, and an expansion of career tech with a 0.25 mills request.

The first request, 0.75 mills renewal/restoration of the core CTE millage, passed by 66%, 7,307 yes votes to 3,753 no votes. The second request, a 0.25 mills expansion of CTE, was approved by 60 percent of voters, with 6,531 yes to 4,423 no votes.

Below are breakdowns by county:

Results show that in Charlevoix County, 2,125 people voted yes for millage number one and 1,275 voted no. On the second proposal, an expansion of CTE with a 0.25 mill request, 1,822 voted yes and 1,250 voted no.

Results in Emmet County show 3,920 voting yes for the first proposal and 1,911 voting no. The second proposal pulled 3,586 yes votes and 2,260 no votes.

Voters in Burt, Hebron and Monro townships in Cheboygan County, which are part of the ISD’s region, approved the first proposal by 113 to 60. They approved the second proposal by 102 to 61.

Results from Antrim County townships in the ISD, including Banks, Central Lake, Echo, Jordan, Torch Lake and Warner townships, show 648 approved the first request, with 350 people voting no. For the second request, 585 voted to approve while 400 voted no.

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