Data services are available to all local districts in the Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District as well as to all programs and departments within Char-Em ISD. Services provided include coaching, consulting, professional development, and data management. The goal of our services is to provide timely access to meaningful data through a variety of data management systems (Illuminate, PowerSchool, EdPlan) and to build in others the capacity to access, utilize, and analyze data in ways that maximize the impact and efficiency of instruction and programming. To do this, services focus on building the following belief and skill sets in educators.
- All children can learn
- Data has no meaning; meaning is constructed through the data dialogue process.
- Data without dialogue does not produce change, therefore protocols are necessary for safe, productive, and inclusive conversations about student learning.
- Effective data dialogues interrupt our thinking, help us identify root causes, inform our instruction, and result in clear action plans.
- Sound decision-making requires the consideration of multiple data points.
- Cultures that embrace data use and have structures and systems in place to support frequent data dialogue at all levels (classroom, program/department, building, district, organization) are those most likely to improve.
- Effective facilitation of collaborative groups and data dialogues.
- Creation and implementation of balanced assessment plans.
- Understanding and utilization of sound assessment literacy and data analysis practices.
- Utilization of multiple data points to inform policy, practice, programming, and placement.
- Development of structures and systems that establish and support data review cycles.
- Authentic integration of data management tool (Illuminate) in the collection and use of data.
Data services are provided to all LEA staff with an emphasis on training building and district leaders to ensure sustainability of effective data use and practices. Services are aligned to current research in the field including, but not limited to: Got Data? Now What? Creating and Leading Cultures of Inquiry (2012) by Laura Lipton & Bruce Wellman, The Adaptive School (2013) by Robert Garmston & Bruce Wellman, and Cognitive Coaching: Developing Self Directed Leaders and Learners (2015) by Arthur Costa & Robert Garmston.
Services include:
- Data and assessment professional development planning assistance to superintendents, principals and data coordinators.
- Data and assessment professional development for data teams and coordinators.
- Data collection and analysis support to ISD programs and LEA’s.
- Data and assessment uploads into Illuminate (M-STEP, NWEA, DIBELS, PSAT/SAT, common benchmark/interim content area assessments).
- Data management services related to PowerSchool, EdPlan and Illuminate.
- State testing updates and ISD-wide state assessment data analysis.
- NWEA data and reports support.
- Data review cycle and data dialogue modeling and support.
- Support for integration of school improvement and data review/analysis processes.