Science support services
Science support services are available to all local districts in Char-Em ISD. The goal is to ensure leadership and instruction that results in the development of science-minded students. Districts may choose from a range of K-12 grade services that all support the Michigan Science Standards (MSS) and three-dimensional learning.
Michigan adopted new standards based on the National Research Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education with Michigan-specific Performance Expectations (PEs) and opportunities for local, regional, or Michigan-specific contexts or examples in teaching and assessment. This shift in instruction steers us away from content-only focus and departmentalization of science content, toward equal emphasis on Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. These are considered the three dimensions of science learning.
These shifts include a call for All Standards All Students; encouraging that all K-12 students have the opportunity to engage in science thinking daily. The biggest shift for students is going from a perspective of learning about science to figuring out science. Units begin with an Anchoring Phenomena, a real-world observable event that students can predict or explain with science. Instructional practices such as Driving Question Boards, Science Talk, Collaborative Models, Claim/Evidence/Reasoning, and more result in a major shift toward three-dimensional assessments.
For Schools:
As efforts are made toward full implementation of the MSS, look toward the Implementation Indicators as a self-assessment of steps taken. This provides a structure for purposeful and intentional planning for supporting staff and students in these changes in science. It is essential to support middle and high school, as they determine their scope and sequence regarding the PEs. In elementary, the PEs are outlined and adopted in a Topic Arrangement (some units are different from the GLCEs), but MS and HS have discretion as to what is taught when. Please reach out to Linnea Gibson for more information or support in making strides.
For Teachers:
A variety of professional learning opportunities and resources are available. As teachers prepare to transition instruction, it may be beneficial to look toward curricular resources for guidance. Various Professional Learning Collaboratives share a variety of information, resources, and learning opportunities.
Note: Workshop registration completed through the Workshop Catalog in Google Forms. SCECHs to be provided free of charge.
Link List
Michigan Science Standards (MSS)
National Resource Council: A Framework for K-12 Science Education
Implementation Indicators