Mathematics and Science

Mathematics and Science

Our Mission Statement

It is the mission of Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District to provide leadership and services to local school districts.

It is the vision of Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District to be an indispensable partner with every district we serve.

Mathematics support services are available to all local districts in Char-Em ISD. The goal is to ensure leadership and instruction that results in the development of students’ mathematical competencies and applications. Districts may choose from a range of pre-K through 12th grade services which all support the Michigan State Standards for mathematics.

The state standards expect that all students who are college and career ready in mathematics exhibit not only content knowledge, but also specific mathematical practices:

  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
  • Students who achieve these standards will have the mathematical knowledge and skills necessary to become mathematically literate citizens who find success in college, career, and lifelong learning.

Services are available through area-wide professional learning and extended support as needed at a building or district level. All mathematics support has a foundation in current research. These services align with research in the areas of developmentally appropriate practices, the use of assessment to inform instruction, and a balanced approach to mathematics instructional strategies.

Foundations of Math

Alt+Shift website for FoM

Foundations of Math playlist on YouTube (looks at benefits, learning, student outcomes, etc.)

Web resources

MAISA Math Units

Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Michigan Department of Education 

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Lesson, Task, and Assessment Resources

Livebinders and Similar

Math Resources (Elementary, Middle, and High School)

Elementary Math

Middle/High School Math

High School Math

Summer Math Resources

Learning about Money


Online Games

  • Financial Football: This game combines football with personal finance to make learning fun.
  • Hit the Road: A Financial Adventure: Does a road trip sound exciting? Drive around the country and see the sights without going broke in this game.
  • Money Magic: Help Enzo the magician save money on the road to his big show in Las Vegas.
  • Plan Your Dream Prom: Prom is fun, but it’s also expensive! Practice figuring out how to pay for your dream prom in this game.
  • STAX: Ready to build wealth through investing? STAX lets players build their virtual fortunes.
  • The Uber Game: Working in the gig economy is the reality for a lot of people, and this game can teach you about the financial challenges that come with gig work.

Online Lessons

  • Secret Millionaires Club: Billionaire Warren Buffett produced this online animated series about money management.
  • Balance Your Checking Account: Practice filling out a checkbook and keeping your bank account balanced with this activity.
  • Payback: Going to college is really expensive, and you’ll need to be able to pay your way through school while still having a good experience on campus. Use this tool to practice managing your money through college.
  • Spent: Budgeting and living within income is hard even for many grown-ups. Try this virtual experience to see if you can make it through a month starting with only $1,000 to your name.
  • Claim Your Future: How much money you make has a big impact on your entire life. Take a look at whether the life you want to have will fit into the income you might make here.
  • Misadventures in Money Management: This online graphic novel can help you learn about what not to do when managing your money.

Printable and Downloadable Resources

Personal Finance

Lesson Plans

  • Create a Money Graph: The U.S. Currency Education Program released this lesson plan that can help you learn about the different denominations of money and how to read a bar graph.
  • Starting Your Own Business: Lots of kids are interested in starting their own businesses, ranging from lemonade stands to slime-making popups, and this lesson plan can help you understand the economics behind being a business owner.
  • Financial Literacy for Kids: Topics covered here include what money is, how to shop wisely, and what to do with your allowance.

Links from FP Markets

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