Career Academy for Kids set for June 18-20, 2019!

If you liked College for Kids, you’ll love Career Academy for Kids! CA4K is a new take on the former College for Kids summer day camp. With more diverse sessions aimed at offering kids a variety of opportunities to try their hand at new skills, a new name was in order! CA4K is a three-day summer program of enrichment classes operated by Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District. Classes are designed to help students currently enrolled in grades 2-8 experience a particular field of interest in-depth and hands-on.

NEW LOCATIONS FOR 2019: Career Academy for Kids will be held in two new locations for 2019. Due to construction at North Central Michigan College in Petoskey, CA4K programs will take place at Harbor Springs Middle School/Shay Elementary and at the Boyne City High School campus. The course listing will clearly state which class is at which location. The High Flyers course will still take place at Pellston Regional Airport.

Course descriptions will be online around Feb. 1, 2019. Online registration opens on April 15, 2019. For now, save the date and check back soon for CA4K 2019 classes!  Additional CA4K information

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