In October 2024, the Great Start Collaborative & Family Coalition of Charlevoix, Emmet and Northern Antrim Counties provided $20,000 in funding to the Charlevoix Kiwanis Club Youth Foundation to support the launch of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library for children birth to age 5 residing in Charlevoix County.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library sends age-appropriate books to children from birth to age 5 directly to children at their home. There is no cost incurred by participating families.The program costs approximately $30 a year for each participating child. Funding provided by the GSC will provide more than 660 Charlevoix County youth a book each month for one year.
“We are grateful to the Charlevoix Kiwanis Club for bringing Dolly Parton Imagination Library back to Charlevoix County,” said GSC Director Savanah Cool. “We know how much children enjoy receiving mail in their name and diving into a new book each month while expanding their home library.”
The GSC also runs the FreeCycle Book Project, providing access to free, gently used children’s books throughout the community. Thousands of books criss-cross local counties each year. “We encourage families to consider donating their books to FreeCycle when they are done with them,” said Cool. “This allows others to build and expand their home libraries, enhancing and enriching early literacy experiences for all.”
To learn more about Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Charlevoix County or to make a donation to support the program, contact/send a check to Charlevoix Kiwanis Youth Foundation, P.O. Box 275, Charlevoix MI 49720.
Learn more at about the Great Start Collaborative at