Char-Em ISD recognized for data collection efforts to benefit local districts

Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District’s efforts to utilize data in improving student outcomes have been recognized with a state-level award for the 2023-24 school year. 

The Michigan Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Technical Assistance Center annually recognizes ISDs and school districts who implement and sustain Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and who put practices in place to positively benefit learners.

“This year, Char-Em ISD was recognized with the MTSS Data Utilization award for the use of the Regional Capacity Assessment, which provides the ISD guidance to ensure processes and procedures are put in place and practiced that help us with communication, collaboration, and consistency both at the ISD and when partnering with schools. This, in turn, helps us to address the needs of our area educators and learners,” said Lauren Ringle, Director of Implementation for Char-Em ISD. 

Ringle said such practices are important because they support impactful decision making to support not only the ISD’s own continuous improvement but also services to districts. Examples of these practices are professional learning opportunities, content-specific coaching for classroom teachers and district teams, data-analysis processes and action planning, and promoting alignment of district-wide instructional efforts to support efficiency and learning continuity.  

“Supporting such practices help districts best meet the needs of their students,” said Ringle.

In order to help coordinate initiatives across the ISD, a Regional Implementation Team formed by the ISD is tasked with promoting MTSS practices that can be utilized and supported in local districts. MTSS practices that are occurring in local districts include examples such as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), proactive student attendance programs, and academic instruction and interventions to meet the needs of each student, Ringle noted. 

“We are very proud of the work of the members of the Regional Implementation Team for playing an active part in moving this work forward,” said Ringle. 

The MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center is a state and federally funded project focused on supporting MTSS initiatives. 

“Michigan educators work tirelessly on behalf of learners and do so much that is worthy of celebration and acknowledgment. The MiMTSS Recognition process provides one way to shine a positive light on work happening within the state related to implementing an MTSS framework to meet the needs of all learners,” said Kimberly St. Martin, Director, Michigan’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports Technical Assistance Center.

Five local districts in Char-Em ISD were also recognized by MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center for their work in PBIS: Alanson, Central Lake, East Jordan, Ellsworth, and Pellston.

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