Career Tech department receives Dau Foundation grant

The Robert Jensen Dau Foundation has awarded a grant to the Char-Em ISD Career and Technical Education Department to provide camp scholarships to students. The three-year, $3,000 annual grant will be used for scholarships and stipends for construction trades activities.

“I am very excited to see the many great opportunities that will come for our students from this generosity,” said Jim Rummer, Director of Career and Technical Education. “We are grateful for the Dau family’s support and confidence in our camps and programs that prepare students for career and college readiness. These dollars will be a spark to help many Northern Michigan young adults have brighter futures.”

Fernanda Fisher, daughter of foundation founder Robert Dau, said it came to the foundation’s attention that there is a need to encourage students to consider careers in the technical trades, in addition to the option of attending college. With more positions available than skilled trades workers to fill them, the foundation is working to help fill those gaps.

“The two programs the foundation is helping to fund will give all young people the chance to explore different careers by removing the obstacle of financial ability and support. We are proud to support the growth and development of youth in Northern Michigan,” said Fisher. “Our Founder, Robert Jensen Dau, worked for many years at the Michigan Maple Block Company before retiring in the 1980s. He was passionate about helping youth and young adults to get ahead and would be delighted to know that programs such as CTE summer camp and the Construction Trades Camp exist.”

To learn more about Char-Em ISD’s Career and Technical Education Department, visit

The Robert Jensen Dau Foundation is a non-profit foundation with the purpose of fulfilling charitable goals as set forth by its founder, Robert Dau, and his daughter, Fernanda. The primary mission is to support the causes of education, the written word, arts and the environment. The Foundation pays particular attention to Northern Michigan, where Mr. Dau was born. He ran the Michigan Maple Block Company in Petoskey until the early 1980s. Learn more at

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