

Our Mission Statement

It is the mission of Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District to provide leadership and services to local school districts.

It is the vision of Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District to be an indispensable partner with every district we serve.

Volunteering is an excellent way for students to help their communities and to gain valuable personal and professional development skills. Char-Em ISD offers several opportunities for students to volunteer. The main event is the annual Job Olympics, which brings together special education students for a day of hands-on, real-world job and life skills experience.

To volunteer for the Job Olympics, please call Liz Nachazel at Char-Em ISD, at (231) 582-8070.

Career Academy for Kids presents another opportunity for students to volunteer with Char-Em ISD. Call Tory Thrush to volunteer for CA4K, (231) 582-8070.

Char-Em can also connect students with volunteer opportunities with other community organizations, such as the United Way Day of Caring and Project Connect. Contact Tory Thrush at the number above.

Local school districts also present opportunities for students to volunteer.



Job Olympics

Each Spring, Char-Em ISD hosts a day of events for program students, known as Job Olympics. Students participate in a variety of “events” that are skills they’ll need in the real world – at home and in the workforce. Examples of activities include sorting recyclables, doing laundry, stacking groceries on shelves, making beds, custodial work, plumbing repair, First Aid, and much more. Students are awarded with medals at the end of the day for excelling in certain events. Area students volunteer to assist at each event station, as do members from the community and the ISD staff.

If you are interested in volunteering for Job Olympics, please contact Program Principal Nicole Goulet at (231) 439-6937.

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