Tier 2 Installation Training 2023-24 – April

Tier 2 Installation Training 2023-24


These sessions support School Leadership Teams (SLT) in developing district systems to support and sustain implementation of effective innovations like PBIS+.  Teams will focus on the development of a teaming structure, communication plan, barrier removal process, and more through the administration of the District Capacity Assessment (DCA). Additionally, the SLT will develop a common understanding of PBIS+ Tier 2 System requirements, key components and interventions to prepare for Tier 2 Installation.  The sessions include opportunities to review implementation of Tier 1 and establish data procedures for identifying students who need Tier 2 behavioral support.  The sessions will also support SLTs in developing a Tier 2 Intervention Platform and decision-making protocols.

Learner Outcomes

Identify ways to strengthen implementation of Tier 1.

Outline Tier 2 behavior system requirements and key components.

Develop decision-rules for identifying students in need of Tier 2 interventions.

Identify a plan for ensuring implementation fidelity and decision rules for Tier 2 interventions.


Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets

Safe, Engaged, and Supported


All sessions will be held from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

October 18 – Building District Capacity to Support and Sustain PBIS+

January 16 – Tier 2 Systems

March 11 – Tier 2 Interventions

April 25 – Data Review via Data Dialogue

(hybrid by request)

Location: Boyne Falls Public School

Target Audience: PBIS+ School Leadership Teams installing Tier 2

Instructors: Jill Warner and Shelley Welby, Char-Em ISD PBIS Trainers

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