The Shift to Student-Led’ Book Study
The Shift to Student-Led Book Study
Registration open through May 19, 2023
In this online book study, participants will engage with the book, The Shift to Student-Led, in addition to having opportunities to reflect and discuss with other local educators and seek application for their own educational roles. Educators will explore student-led learning shifts to identify opportunities for utilizing one or more of the shifts in their classroom/role. They will experience a blended, self-paced course and have an opportunity to extend their learning through ‘should do’ and ‘aspire to do’ activities to earn up to 18.5 SCECHs.
Learner Outcomes
Educators will read the book, The Shift to Student-Led.
Educators will discuss their reflections with other local educators who are exploring how they might redesign learning and shift more ownership of learning to students.
Educators will identify opportunities to apply their new learning within their current role.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets
Engaged, Challenged, Healthy
June 20-August 19, 2023
Target Audience
Teachers grades K-12, Administrators, ISD Staff
Erin Luckhardt, Char-Em ISD Instructional Technology Coordinator, Heather Kowalski, COP ESD Math/Technology Integration Consultant & REMC 3 Director