Special Education Collaborative 2023-24 – January
Special Education Collaborative 2023-24
Effective practices for educating students with disabilities. This Special Education Collaborative offering will provide a time for special education teachers, itinerant staff members, and others to engage in learning related to special education best practices. Each session will include professional learning, reflection upon practice integration, and collaboration with colleagues from across Char-Em ISD.
This is a four session series. Participants are asked to register separately for each session they plan to attend.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets
Engaged Supported, and Challenged
All sessions will be held from 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
December 12, 2023
January 25, 2024
March 6, 2024
Location: Char-Em ISD Charlevoix
Target Audience: Teachers grades K-12, ISD staff, and paraprofessionals
Instructors: Char-Em ISD Special Education Staff