Building Early Literacy Leaders 2023-24 – April

Building Early Literacy Leaders 2023-24


Are you looking to continue building your knowledge around best practices in literacy and become a literacy leader in your building? Join other like-minded thinkers as we collaborate in this literacy leadership network to increase our capacity to improve students’ literacy. We’ll learn together using the “Essential School-Wide and Center-Wide Practices in Literacy” and “Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy” as a road map. Together we’ll explore ways to bring your expertise back to your own colleagues and district.  Let’s learn, practice and lead together!

This collaboration continues from last school year; however, attendance from last year isn’t required. We’re excited to include new colleagues.

This is a four-session, online, Zoom training. The link to join will be provided in your email confirmation/reminder.

Learner Outcomes

Build collective knowledge around Literacy Essential Practices.

Collaborate with other elementary literacy leaders.

Assess building literacy needs and problem solve together.

Explore ways to build and/or enhance your building literacy leadership skills.

Consider how to share the learning in your own buildings.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets


Dates: October 5, November 9, February 1, and April 11

Time: 4-5 p.m.

Target Audience: Teachers grades pre K-5, administrators, paraprofessionals, and support staff

Instructors: Chrystal Dean, Jen Jess, Kari Maki, Lynn Vollmer, Char-Em ISD Early Literacy Coaches

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