Spring Workshop with MDE Consultants: Consolidated App & Title Updates

Spring Workshop with MDE Consultants: Consolidated App & Title Updates

This workshop is an opportunity, facilitated by MDE Consultants, for leaders to hear about changes being made to the Consolidated Application process, funding allowances, and title funding for the 2024-2025 school year.  It is designed to prepare leaders to successfully complete the Consolidated Application and effectively use funding streams to support district needs and plans.

Learner Outcomes

Understand how to access and successfully complete the Consolidated Application.

Learn how to effectively utilize available funding streams to support the needs and plans of the district.

Hear about how other districts around the state are using Title programming to support innovative and effective practices.

Date / Time
May 16 / 12-3 p.m.

Char-Em ISD Charlevoix office

Target Audience
Administrators, business managers, and MICIP leads

Al Thomas and Kathleen Hoehne, MDE Consultants


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