Literacy Q & A – Small Group Instruction, Phonics & Phonemic Awareness

Literacy Q & A – Small Group Instruction, Phonics & Phonemic Awareness

Do you have questions around best practices in literacy? Join Char-Em ISD literacy coaches as we dive into hot topics around the Early Literacy Essential Practices. This Q&A format will allow you to pose questions prior to each session and engage in interactive discussions that address your specific needs. You’ll receive a Google form prior to each session to send in specific questions to be answered during the webinar.  We look forward to a collaborative and engaging learning experience!

This is a 1 hour online training. The Zoom link will be included in your email registration confirmation.

Learner Outcomes

  • Building collective knowledge by asking and getting answers from Literacy Coaches around Literacy Essential Practices.
  • Collaborate with other elementary literacy leaders.
  • Access building literacy needs and problem solve together.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenet

Date / Time
January 23 / 4-5 p.m.

Teachers grades K-5, administrators, ISD staff, paraprofessionals, and support staff

Char-Em ISD Literacy Coaches


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