Inquiry Day by Day: Evidence, Sourcing, and Media Literacy

Inquiry Day by Day: Evidence, Sourcing, and Media Literacy

Students need to analyze information and come to conclusions in a good inquiry based setting — but how do we know the evidence and sources they rely on are valid?  This training will offer teachers at all grade levels some age appropriate strategies for teaching students how to recognize and question the validity of sources, and how to become better digital connoisseurs of information both in and out of a classroom setting.

Learner Outcomes

  • Learn relevant teaching strategies that engage students in finding, questioning, and determining the validity of sources they use.
  • Engage with strategies that help foster and develop media literacy strategies in themselves and their students.
  • Deepen and share communal knowledge of inquiry-based practices in local classrooms.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets
Supported and Challenged

Date / Time
October 15 / 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Char-Em ISD Charlevoix

Teachers grades K-12

David Johnson, Ed.S., Instructional Consultant for Social Studies

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