Educator Evaluation Rater Reliability Training
Calibration tune-ups provide opportunities for principals and district staff to observe instruction, rate evidence, and engage in calibration of ratings to deepen content clarity and increase internal reliability in scoring evidence using the 5D+ Rubric. Through discussion with their colleagues, evaluators become increasingly aligned in their calibration to the rubric.
Developing reliable evaluators of teachers is a key component to the success of any school district’s teacher evaluation system. Teachers and students benefit from principals and evaluators who are trained and certified to observe, analyze and rate instruction, before they ever step into a classroom to observe a teacher for the purpose of evaluation.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Tenets
Engaged, Supported, Challenged, and Safe
August 16 / 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Char-Em ISD Charlevoix
Target Audience
Administrators, Principals, and anyone using 5D+ to evaluate teachers
Tom Lietz, MASSP Associate Director for Training and Development